Book Review: The Original Sinners series


So! I reallllllly liked this series. All of the characters were great, and the story was really good. I honestly didn’t care for most of the third book, because I just felt there was no need for all the background information on Soren & Kingsley as teenagers. But it is what it is. I also liked how the series ended! I’d give it an overall four, and definitely recommend it to anyone liking the erotica genre. Because it is just more than all the sex….. there’s a love story in there- a good one!

P.S. Thanks to Harlequin Rewards, I got the third book for free.



Link Up: Show Us Your Books – What I Read In May 2016

Life According to Steph

I’ve done this link up before, so I’m just diving right in!


So, this is what I’ve been reading this the month of May:

I blogged about the Please series that I blew through in the first week of May. So good!

I started the Shattered Innocence series (I am to give honest review for a company I am signed up with), and I forced myself through it for over a week before I just gave up on it.  The story feels forced and rocky. The characters are getting on my nerves too! #sheneedstogetabackbone   I honestly do not think that I will ever finish this book….

I am still stuck on the Lunar Chronicles series. I blew through the first two books, but this third book is realllllllllllllllly fighting me. I pick it up and then put it down right away. I was determined to finish it before May is over, but didn’t happen…….. Not sure I see it in June’s future either, but we shall see.

I joined Harlequin Rewards in the middle of May, and I am earning free ebooks left and right! So I started a new series called The Original Sinners, which is in the erotica genre (D/s stuff #kinky).  And I have to admit, I am pretty much all in with this series. And it’s because of the characters and not even the sex stuff. Expect a review on my blog real soon!


Also! I am on GoodReads, so you can always follow me there to see my list of books. I’m doing the 2016 Reading Challenge, which is going very well thus far.



Readers….. So I haven’t posted a whole lot as of late. With good reason– I’ve been so busy with regular life stuff.

I work in a school cafeteria… so I am pretty much in the same boat as teachers (I’ve had a countdown till the end of school up since May, haha!). I’m just soooooooo ready for school and work to be over with!

The weather has been in the 70’s and 80’s here, which means after work, I put the kids outside and I sit on my porch reading a book till it’s time to make dinner. No other way to live the summer, am I right?

After dinner the kids go to bed, I straighten up the house and then head to bed. BOOM!!!


I promise I will have plenty to blog about once school is over with (7 school days left, woohoooooo!!!!!!!!!). I do have a lot of book reviews I need to tackle, so you’ll see those pop up here shortly.

Follow me on Instagram or Facebook to keep in touch!
