Book Review: In The Boss’s Bed by J. Margo Critch

Hot for the boss… Maya Connor was already embarrassed after a dare—and a shot of vodka—resulted in one seriously sexy kiss with an even sexier stranger. She had no idea that the man she made out with was hotel magnate and reputed playboy Jamie Sellers. Or that she would soon be working for him… Maya won’t let anything get in the way of her ambition. And she’s determined to be taken seriously as she begins her career—and not give in to the heat that’s constantly driving her to distraction. Lust, that’s all it is. The more Maya and Jamie ignore it, the stronger it gets. But ending up in the boss’s bed won’t just be Maya’s wickedest fantasies come to life…it’ll be the end of her dreams.


Anyone ever read one of those Harlequin romance novels before? I have not. But then my sister in law told me about this Harlequin Rewards program, where you can earn points towards getting free books (by having your friends sign up through your link)… and I thought to myself ‘Why not?’. I signed up, then a few clicks later and BAMM I earned a free book. Just like that!

And I blew through that bad boy REAL quick! It was such a good book!!! A strong female lead (not that whiny type no one likes) and I liked the male character too. He seemed like a real person, kwim. The story was easy to get through; a real page turner. I’d recommend it to anyone who likes this type of genre book.

Also….. If you’re interested in earning free books, or just wanna help out a fellow reader, you can use my personal link to sign up for Harlequin Rewards!


Compassion International

Last Sunday, our church hosted a Compassion Sunday service. Afterwards, my family and I had the honor to walk through The Compassion Experience (it was set up in our church parking lot). An interactive, immersive display which allows you to step into the life of a child who had suffered under the crippling weight of poverty. From hardship to hope, we saw the transformation of Kiwi and Jonathan’s story with the support from Compassion and the life-giving relationship with a sponsor. With God tugging at our hearts and tear ducts, we joined a partnership with our church and the country of Haiti to sponsor a little boy named Michelton.

Kiwi Kiwi1


A member of our church is partnering up with Compassion in Haiti to build a church and an orphanage. The blue sticker on Michelton’s paperwork means he lives close to the orphanage and will be affiliated with our church. Very exciting!

Proverbs 19:17 NIV
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.


To learn more about this great group, please visit their website here.


A New Edition To The Yard

Lets start from the beginning….

Steven has had this plan to build a vegetable garden in our yard for years. Due to us having dogs (before they passed away) we didn’t think it would work out *cuz HELLO, they’d eat them when we weren’t looking lol*.  Then this past summer Steven’s grandmother passed away, and she was an advid gardener, so I think between that and not having the dogs anymore, that really made him put his plans into action!!

And my husband goes big or goes home, people. Let me tell you! He saw this picture of a raised vegetable garden on Facebook and he wanted to build it. I’m the wife that says “Sure honey, anything you want”, knowing full well he’s absolutely nuts!

But anyway, a few weekends back, he woke up and went to Home Depot to get the supplies. TWOOOO hours later, he arrived home with a car full of wood. I helped him hold the wood while he measured and cut it. Then I helped him put it together. We were trucking along, until the power drill battery started to die out. By then it was like 4:00pm…. can we say DONE!  Dinner and a family movie night happened. So did going to bed early!

Then it was Daylight Savings Time day, and it made us miss church (a TOTAL bummer!). We got up, he ran to Home Depot again because we were short a little bit of wood and he wanted to stock up on more supplies, just in case. We were only there for an hour this time, haha! Then it started to rain. But we stayed the course and built what we could, before being too exhausted to do any more.  We came in, I made dinner, we ate as a family, then we all played a board game before having another family movie night. Went to bed a little later than we should of, but I’m the cool mom like that!

Once we had another free weekend, not caring that it was raining on and off all day, him and I went back out there to work on it some more. We put up all the chicken wire, which is way more of a pain in the ass than you’d think. But I kept saying to myself it’s gonna be suppppper sweet once there are veggies growing in it!

Then the last weekend in March, he finished the project. It actually looks pretty awesome! I’m glad he decided to go ahead with it.

veggarden1Finally done!

Okay, so it’s been a little bit since the garden was assembled….. but it was time to plant our veggies two weekends ago. We drove all the way out to our favorite garden store, got everything we wanted, drove all the way back home and Steven went right back out there and planted them all.

veggarden2Excuse the bags of dirt in the middle….

Can’t wait to eat all the veggies! It’s gonna be awesome!!!


Mother’s Day 2016

I woke up Mother’s Day morning to breakfast in bed #winning. Steven and the kids made me ‘melt in your mouth’ pancakes. They definitely were delicious!


Then we all got dressed for church in a hurry and got there just in time!

After church, Steven went to mow the lawn (with my permission, lol) before we had to take Dylan to his soccer game. His team won 1-0. Once the game was over, the boys brought over a rose to the mom’s. Super cute!

When we got home, the kids gave me crafts they had made in school (cards and the like). Then Steven handed me my gift and it was a family size griddle (because he knows I like pancakes, haha!). Then I decided I wanted to play Monopoly. So that’s what went down. Almost three hours and one kid crying later, I ended up winning, woohoo!!!!

Steven ran out to pick up Chinese food. We ate dinner and then played a game called Heads Up. While we were eating snack we watched a new episode of Impractical Jokers before putting the kids to bed. Once they were in bed, Steven and I watched Game of Thrones!

I had such a nice holiday! Low key is my thing!!

P.S. You know I didn’t take any pictures during the day…… Oops!


Nothing To Report

Hello readers. My blog has been absent since last week. With good reason though!

First off, all the rain NJ is having is just ridic! It literally rained for six days straight! The husband and I have been trying to get yard work done and tackle our garden, and the rain is making it diffucult. We went plant shopping in the rain, that’s how desperate it got, haha.

Then on Wednesday, my town was all in a frenzy because an escaped killer (from another town) broke out of prison and was running around town. Schools were in “shelter in place” mode (which means no one in or out of the building). I was stuck at work! I didn’t get to leave till 3:30pm… when my kids were finally let out of their schools! I had to race home so I could be there for them.  This whole thing was such a big deal that news crews from CBS, NBC, ABC and NJ12 were seen around town. ANNNNNDDDD we were trending on Facebook at one point!


The man hunt went in to the middle of the night. Steven stayed up all night listening to the police scanner. We all got up in the morning and went to work/school, since all were open. Yesterday afternoon we as a town found out that the man left town limits, since he was never found. All was back to normal.

Needless to say, last night we put the kids to bed regular time and literally went into bed, eyes closed and sleeping before 9:00pm. THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!!

So yep, a crazy week here. And that’s my post!
