Link Up: Confessional Thursday


This is my first time linking up, so here goes….

I confess……

I wish Game of Thrones started back up already. I cannot wait until April 24!

I wish I didn’t have to go to work anymore. Spring Break really teased me, and now I’m just ready for the summer!

I have off on Monday, and I am making it a point to just relax and not get much done. I’ve been constantly on the go this week and I think that’s why my knee has been hurting me.

I hate the idea of ‘homework’. Children are in school for SIX hours a day, then they come home and have to do MORE work, which ALWAYS starts an argument (both children), PLUS it takes away from extra curricular activities or family time.

I want to go on a date with my husband, but our conflicting schedules is making it impossible right now. Ugh!

I am NOT excited to go to this all women party on Saturday. I got suckered in to attending and I just don’t wanna go. I’m sure I will have fun, but I’d rather be sitting on the couch watching a movie with my family, lol.

I am totally bummed that my sister is moving out of state next month. And I am not ready to accept it yet………


Okay, that last one threw my emotions sideways. … so I am outta here!


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